As usual, Lacy's been busy with yarn, this time knitting. For Christmas, she received the adorable book, Itty Bitty Toys, by Susan B. Anderson. (Click on the link to go to her blog, which looks like a ton of fun.) This book has lots of cool projects for beginning knitters to create adorable animals, dolls, and other playthings. So far, Lacy's knitted a penguin, a teddy bear, and this very creative reversible egg/bluebird. In the process, she's had a great time and has learned some new knitting techniques, such a knitting on four needles.
She says the monkey is next.
I say I want the koala mama and baby!
And I always get my way.

Absolutely amazing. Lacy is so talented!! I tried my hand at crocheting a much larger Winnie the Pooh and didn't get beyond one arm, part of the head I don't think. Because I stopped when I did without marking on my pattern where I was, needless to say, it will never be finished. Keep up the good work, Lacy, you are awesome.
Aunt Rochelle
As usual, you're fantastic! I'll keep saving my yarn for you.
I love you
So cute! Lacy is doing a wonderful job. Keep up the great work! They don't make toys like that anymore. :)
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